Fotograbado, gofrado y collagraph
92 x 56 cm.
"Nius buits," 1999
Photoengraved, embossed and collagraph
92 x 56 cm.
Fotograbado, gofrado y collagraph
76 x 56 cm.
"Nius buits II," 1999
Photoengraved, embossed and collagraph
76 x 56 cm.
76 x 56 cm.
"Nius buits III," 1999
76 x 56 cm.
Fotograbado y gofrado
70 x 30 cm.
"Habitacle," 2000
Photoengraved and embossed
70 x 30 cm. Nius caient, 2000
112 x 76 cm.
"Nius caient," 2000
112 x 76 cm.
76 x 56 cm.
"Dos gofrats," 2000
76 x 56 cm. Collagraph
112 x 76 cm.
"Sense títol," 2000
112 x 76 cm.
Collagraph, xilografia, gofrado + chine collé
70 x 70 cm.
"Refugi," 2001
Collagraph, xylography, embossed + chine collé
70 x 70 cm.
Xilografía, collagrph y gofrado
70 x 70cm.
"Sense títol III,"[1] 2001
Xylography, collagraph and embossed
70 x 70 cm.
Sense títol, 2001
Collagraph + papel japonés + hilo
70 x 70 cm.
"Sense títol," 2001
Collagraph + Japanese paper + thread
70 x 70 cm.
Sense títol VII, 2001
70 x 40 + 70 x 30 cm.
"Sense títol VII," 2001
70 x 40 + 70 x 30 cm.
Sense títol VIII, 2001
Collagraph y monotipo
70 x 30 + 70 x 10 + 70 x 30 cm.
"Sense títol VIII," 2001
Collagraph and monotype
70 x 30 + 70 x 10 + 70 x 30 cm.
Sense títol XX, 2001
Collagraph, monotipo y madera + hilo
70 x 70 cm.
"Sense títol XX," 2001
Collagraph, monotype and wood + thread
70 x 70 cm.
Sense títol VII, 2001
Medidas variables
"Sense títol VII," 2001
Variable dimensions
Nuis pop, 2005
Collagraph, monotipo y gofrado + hilo de bramente + oxirón
76 x 50 cm.
"Nius pop," 2005
Collagraph, monotype and embossed + twine threard + oxiron
76 x 50 cm.
Collagraph, monotipo y gofrado
90 x 50 cm.
"Essencia," 2006
Collagraph, monotype and embossed
90 x 50 cm.
Xylography, collagraph and embossed
70 x 70 cm.
[1] I do not correct the nonsequential numbering in the titles of this
series. Even though this is in the captions portion of the text, I consider the
titles in these captions as constituting part of the pieces and thus more
integral to the expressive component than the passages that describe the
physical aspects of her work such as dimensions and materials.
Collagraph + papel japonés + hilo
70 x 70 cm.
"Sense títol," 2001
Collagraph + Japanese paper + thread
70 x 70 cm.
70 x 40 + 70 x 30 cm.
"Sense títol VII," 2001
70 x 40 + 70 x 30 cm.
Collagraph y monotipo
70 x 30 + 70 x 10 + 70 x 30 cm.
"Sense títol VIII," 2001
Collagraph and monotype
70 x 30 + 70 x 10 + 70 x 30 cm.
Collagraph, monotipo y madera + hilo
70 x 70 cm.
"Sense títol XX," 2001
Collagraph, monotype and wood + thread
70 x 70 cm.
Medidas variables
"Sense títol VII," 2001
Variable dimensions
Collagraph, monotipo y gofrado + hilo de bramente + oxirón
76 x 50 cm.
"Nius pop," 2005
Collagraph, monotype and embossed + twine threard + oxiron
76 x 50 cm.
Natura, 2005
Collagraph, gofrado + hilo + fibra de vidrio
76 x 50 cm.
"Natura," 2005
Collagraph, embossed + thread + stringlass
76 x 50 cm.
Essencia, 2006Collagraph, gofrado + hilo + fibra de vidrio
76 x 50 cm.
"Natura," 2005
Collagraph, embossed + thread + stringlass
76 x 50 cm.
Collagraph, monotipo y gofrado
90 x 50 cm.
"Essencia," 2006
Collagraph, monotype and embossed
90 x 50 cm.