Acción + intervención
Desierto de Sáhara. N31º09.775' W004º01.871'. Marruecos.
Action + intervention
Sahara Desert N31º09.775' W004º01.871'. Morocco.
Camina con calcetines tejidos por ti mismo.
Quítatelos...Y observa el mapa físico de tu mundo.
Algo originario, una topografía mental por la cual discurren nuestras percepciones, pensamientos e identidades.
Walk with socks that are knitted by you yourself.
Take them off...
And observe the physical map of your world.
Something original, a mental topography through which run our perceptions, thoughts, and identities.
Take them off...
And observe the physical map of your world.
Something original, a mental topography through which run our perceptions, thoughts, and identities.