9 Imagenes fotográficas circulares, 8 recipientes con contenido tierra, agua, aceite, espejos y luz.
Medidas variables
"Essències vital,"[1] 2009
9 circular photographic images, 8 containers with soil content, water, oil, mirrors and light.
Variable dimensions
Contenedores de memoria, 2009
6 capazos con imagenes fotográficas recubiertas de resina, tríptico realizado mediante la técnica de collagraph e imagen transferida sobre madera y 6 puntos de luz.
Medidas variables
6 wicker baskets with resin-coated photographic images, triptych made with the technique of collagraph and image transferred onto wood and 6 points of light.
Variable dimensions
Tríptico (parte de la instalación)
Collagraph y transferencia sobre madera
Triptych (part of the installation)
Collagraph and transference onto wood
Collagraph and transference onto wood
Bordado y papel espejo
130 x 60 cm.
"Memoria difusa,[1]" 2009
Embroidery and mirror paper
130 x 60 cm.
Estas obras se realizaron en la Alquería de los Artistas (residencia de artistas), ubicada en el Parque Natural de la Albufera, a 500 metros de la playa, entre El Perelló, Sueca y Cullera.
Esta antigua finca de labranza reconstruida y rehabilitada, rodeada de huerta y arrozales, es un edificio característico de la arquitectura popular valenciana,todo en este edificio nos evoca la esencia de la cultura mediterránea. Plasmada en la obra, integrandose en el contexto de las tierras colindantes a la ciudad de Valencia, con su historia y con su arquitectura. Los elementos esenciales de la natura de este zona y de las vivencias, es fruto de la continuidad de una idea que vuelve constantemente a mi mente. Pretende hablar de la huella, del paso del tiempo, de la fragilidad del rastro, del residuo de la memoria.
Esta antigua finca de labranza reconstruida y rehabilitada, rodeada de huerta y arrozales, es un edificio característico de la arquitectura popular valenciana,todo en este edificio nos evoca la esencia de la cultura mediterránea. Plasmada en la obra, integrandose en el contexto de las tierras colindantes a la ciudad de Valencia, con su historia y con su arquitectura. Los elementos esenciales de la natura de este zona y de las vivencias, es fruto de la continuidad de una idea que vuelve constantemente a mi mente. Pretende hablar de la huella, del paso del tiempo, de la fragilidad del rastro, del residuo de la memoria.
La ausencia como idea de pérdida (nada, vacío, e irremediablemente silencio), se convierte en un espacio vacío que significa tanto como la presencia de las cosas (contenedores de memoria emocional), como también del recuerdo de las personas que lo rodeaban.
“Hoy, morimos dos veces: una primera vez en el momento del fallecimiento, y la segunda cuando nadie te reconoce ya en una fotografía” 1.
Intento plasmar “la pequeña memoria”, esa acumulación de pequeños saberes que todos tenemos dentro y que constituyen lo que somos, eso es realmente lo que nos diferencia a unos de otros.
Trabajar la relación que se establece entre el pasado, presente o futuro; el presente es el tiempo de la presencia, mientras que el pasado es representado por los lugares de ausencia.
Será por tanto la propuesta artística, una colección de imágenes que no quieren ocultar su sentido efímero, una relación íntima entre el espacio y las piezas instaladas.
1.Boltanski, Christian: Advento e outros tempos, Centro Galego de Arte Contemporánea, Conselleria de Cultura, Xunta de Galicia, 1996.
These works were carried out in the Alquería de los Artistas[1] (artists' residence), located in el Parque Natural de la Albufera, 500 metres from the beach, between El Perelló, Sueca and Cullera.
This reconstructed and rehabilitated old working farm, surrounded by garden and rice fields, is a building characteristic of common Valencian architecture, everything in this building evokes for us the essence of Mediterranean culture. Captured in the work, integrating itself in the context of the adjacent lands to the city of Valencia, with its history and with its architecture. The essential elements of the nature of this zone and of the experiences, is fruit of the continuity of an idea that constantly returns to my mind. It aims to speak of the trace, of the passage of time, of the fragility of the mark, of the residue of the memory.
Absence as idea of loss (nothing, emptiness, and irremediably silence), converts itself into an empty space that signifies presence as much as it does things (containers of emotional memory), as much as it does the recollection of the people who surround it too.
“Today, we die twice: a first time in the moment of passing, and the second when no one recognises you anymore in a photograph” 1.
I am trying to capture “the small memory”, that accumulation of little wisdoms that we all have inside and that constitute who we are, that is really what differentiates us from one another.
To work the relationship that is established between the past, present or future; the present is the time of the presence, while the past is represented by the places of absence.
Therefore it will be the artistic proposal, a collection of images that do not want to hide their ephemeral sense, an intimate relationship between the space and the installed pieces.
1. Boltanski, Christian: "Advento e outros tempos, Centro Galego de Arte Contemporánea, Conselleria de Cultura, Xunta de Galicia,"[2] 1996.
The installation is composed of 2 square m. of artificial grass. On it there are 144 pots with fertile earth, and each one of them contains a glass platelet on which appear negatives of written words... (phobia, anxiety, depression...)[2]
Additionally, fixed to the wall and surrounding the grass are located some plastic tubes that contain germinated seeds.
As each person that wants to participate in this installation will have to discard the negative platelet and plant the seed that is found in the little tubes. This action, this act, is compared to the feeling of interior renewal.
These works were carried out in the Alquería de los Artistas[1] (artists' residence), located in el Parque Natural de la Albufera, 500 metres from the beach, between El Perelló, Sueca and Cullera.
This reconstructed and rehabilitated old working farm, surrounded by garden and rice fields, is a building characteristic of common Valencian architecture, everything in this building evokes for us the essence of Mediterranean culture. Captured in the work, integrating itself in the context of the adjacent lands to the city of Valencia, with its history and with its architecture. The essential elements of the nature of this zone and of the experiences, is fruit of the continuity of an idea that constantly returns to my mind. It aims to speak of the trace, of the passage of time, of the fragility of the mark, of the residue of the memory.
Absence as idea of loss (nothing, emptiness, and irremediably silence), converts itself into an empty space that signifies presence as much as it does things (containers of emotional memory), as much as it does the recollection of the people who surround it too.
“Today, we die twice: a first time in the moment of passing, and the second when no one recognises you anymore in a photograph” 1.
I am trying to capture “the small memory”, that accumulation of little wisdoms that we all have inside and that constitute who we are, that is really what differentiates us from one another.
To work the relationship that is established between the past, present or future; the present is the time of the presence, while the past is represented by the places of absence.
Therefore it will be the artistic proposal, a collection of images that do not want to hide their ephemeral sense, an intimate relationship between the space and the installed pieces.
1. Boltanski, Christian: "Advento e outros tempos, Centro Galego de Arte Contemporánea, Conselleria de Cultura, Xunta de Galicia,"[2] 1996.
Esta instalación performativa pretende causar una sensación
simbólica de sanación, de renovación, de cambio sin miedos, de sensaciones mínimas
pero no insignificantes…Esta propuesta multidisciplinar sin la participación de
los asistentes no podría llevarse a cabo.
La instalación está compuesta por 2m cuadrados de césped
artificial. Sobre el mismo hay 144 macetas con tierra fértil, y cada una de
ellas contiene una plaqueta de vidrio en la que aparecen escritas palabras
negativas… (fobia, ansiedad, depresión...). Por otra parte pegadas de la pared y rodeando el césped
están colocados unos tubitos plásticos que contienen semillas germinadas.
persona participa en esta instalación desechando la plaquita
negativa y plantando la semilla que se encuentra en los tubitos. Esta acción, este acto, es extrapolado al sentimiento de
renovación interior.
El punto final de esta propuesta es el registro visual
(gráfico) de la instalación en continuo cambio, respuesta de la acción del
This installation performance aims to cause a symbolic sensation of healing, of renewal, of change without fears, of minor but not insignificant sensations . . . This multidisciplinary proposal could not be carried out without the participation of the attendees.The installation is composed of 2 square m. of artificial grass. On it there are 144 pots with fertile earth, and each one of them contains a glass platelet on which appear negatives of written words... (phobia, anxiety, depression...)[2]
Additionally, fixed to the wall and surrounding the grass are located some plastic tubes that contain germinated seeds.
As each person that wants to participate in this installation will have to discard the negative platelet and plant the seed that is found in the little tubes. This action, this act, is compared to the feeling of interior renewal.
The full stop of this proposal is the visual record (graph) of the installation in continuous change, response of the action of the public.
[2] The ellipses
remain in the TT even though they may not be necessary to the content of these
passages. This is in order to convey a greater impression that the ST provides
the reader than the content alone.
(Bassnett, location 1768).

Residencia Internacional de Artistas "La Alqueria de los Artistas"
Fundación InspirArte y Diputación de Valencia
International Artist's Residency "La Alquería de los Artistas"
InspirArte Foundation and Council of Valencia